Cleaning your carpet means making it last and having a clean home–as long as you do it right. Here are some common misconceptions about carpet cleaning:
1. You should wait until your carpet is dirty to get it cleaned
While you don’t need to get your carpet cleaned every month, it’s worth doing it fairly regularly so that it maintains its quality and durability. Dirt buildup is abrasive and can damage the fibres, even cutting through them completely. Vacuuming helps a little bit, but won’t reach the dirt that gets trapped deep down so regular cleaning is a must.
2. Getting your carpets cleaned is just to remove dirt
While dirt is a great reason to clean your carpets, small amounts of other pollutants like pollen, cigarette smoke, chemicals and even car exhaust can be absorbed by your carpet.
3. All methods of cleaning are created equal
At Bigelow Flooring, we are big believers in only using manufacturer-recommended cleaning products, along with hot water. This is the only way to ensure your carpets are as clean as possible and that they don’t get damaged in the process.
A clean carpet will contribute to good indoor air quality in your home and the carpet will last for years to come! Check out some of our cleaning tips for carpets here.